What is a Valued Community Resource and why does it matter?

Service Marketing secrets

As a pervious service business owner, I focused on all the wrong things at first, and that led me to spend a lot of money and time trying to chase down customers. Now, after putting together a working system that builds Value in businesses and not just drives customers to them I can help others build the same frameworks within their work.

When it comes to being a service business, there’s one thing that rings true and that is the preset expectations customers have when they interact with businesses. Customers have been taught a mindset that “the customer is always right”. While I do agree with that being used in many occasions where a business is not fulfilling their promise, it does backfire on businesses that do their best to please their customers.

Behind the mindset: It all started in 1909, so 100 years of bad advice for businesses that have bent backwards for clients time and time again. The initial creation of it was to ensure that customers got a good deal when it comes down to the product or service they received. This came after years of businesses not always being up front about what they offered. Now, this did not scare some of the bigger companies from continuing their practices and using other tactics to deceive customers. This leaves customers with the ability to complain about anything that doesn’t please them even if they aren’t in their right.

Fast-forward to today, we have put together a system that utilizes communication as a tool to takes customer’s worries and addresses them before they come through on the customer side. This beginning block, along with the other tools we use build brands and names within communities and allows customers to feel at ease when it comes to not only recommending but referring family and friends to the business.

What is a valued community resource? Let’s break it down for you, having a Walmart in the neighborhood is great, but going back to being a kid in Phoenix, AZ, my grandfather would drive us 20 minutes to south Phoenix to a Mexican meat market (Carniceria) simply because they made sure to check the shipment of meat and offered only the best cuts to their clients. This made it a very popular area for many families who wanted the best available, instead of just another place to shop. This is what it means to us, taking the business from just being another service provider to being the one place everyone in and outside of the community know to go to because they provide only the best. It’s a simple mindset to have, but putting it into action can be hard and we do offer weekly coaching calls and training not only for the business owners but the workers who are customer facing to ensure uniform delivery of the system.

Simply put, getting your marketing to start changing is 1 part of putting this system into effect, the rest comes with the communication and relationship you build with your clients. We help facilitate that part of things and are always available to go over our system and help your business grow and gain its foothold in your community.

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