Small business owners, why do we need Digital Marketing?

Does my business need digital marketing?

What makes the marketing necessary and effective?

This question is one of the MOST popular question for new clients to ask. Most of the time, it’s a simple explanation, though at times we do encounter a business owner who has done their work. They have an audience started and think “this is it”. The reality of this is simple to look at and think that it’s all that is necessary to grow a business. Here we will go over the main reasons why a digital marketer is beneficial. Or how to at least use some automation tools to make your life easier!

Case study 1- I do my own marketing!

Our client, lets call them client x for anonymity, has built an audience of over 1400. Now with that audience, they have a constant flow of repeat business and their sustaining an even income flow. When we spoke with them and asked them what their business would look like at 5x that customer flow. Their answer? “Well, I figured we could just keep it this way because we don’t want to pay for ads that might not work”.

This is where we introduced them to our method of customer and audience engagement. With a combination of posts that called not only attention, but requested a review actively they felt. It made customer x feel like they had overstepped an imaginary boundary with their ALREADY loyal customers.

We as business owners seem to fall into a false reality where we think we can’t ask certain things of our customers. When if we have done our jobs correctly and provided them real value we aren’t out of our right to do so. If you have provided a great product, service or consultation, and your customer has benefitted it’s perfectly fine to ask for a recommendation, review or a referral. After all, who wouldn’t want to help a friend or family member better their lives through Your help?

I gave customer X the framework, the ads that were created to drive customer engagement and told them, run these every week for a month. Once they work, we will talk again. 30 days later I contacted them for updates ( though we had been keeping track of their posts as well). We talked and they had not only 2x their customers in. They had also gained 27 new reviews and had a need for someone to manage the posts, and the engagements and continue their growth. This coming from a company that thought everything was fine, but then saw how stagnant and outdated their marketing efforts really were.

Case Study 2- We make our own content already…

Now, moving on to client Y. They are a clothing company who focuses mainly on a Niche market. Their primary goal was to make sure their people who might be interested was constantly growing. They had a good team and were constantly working on new projects and showing off what they could do. They constantly posted content so their audience always knew what they were working on. After our needs analysis and going over what they were looking for, we settled on cutting down how much they had to work to create captivating ads for their products. I recommended they use Viddyoze.

Viddyoze is a simple to use product that allows users to simply plug in pictures and text. You can even customize colors to create eye catching video ads. Once they started using them, their productivity doubled. With audience targeting and the ads we created they had more orders so the extra productivity was definitely needed. If you want to check it out, here is a direct link. It will give you Viddyoze for a one-time fee that gives you access to their templates and video creation software. https://viddyoze.fierosmm

Viddyoze Marketing tools

Case study 3- I don’t know who else to advertise to…

We have even had a gym client that needed help. They couldn’t seem to get more people in their area to come and discover their personal training and promotions. We did something that they surprisingly hadn’t thought of, which was launch a re-engagement email that offered a simple promotion. This system filled their gym within 2 weeks. Personal trainers were booked a month in advance! They hadn’t been that busy since they opened.

No matter what the need is, a good marketing agency will find a way to drive customer engagement. The best will ensure that you get more than just ANY customer. Their main focus will be your ideal customer and making sure to get as many of those as possible.

So, when it comes to small business needs and organizing not only time, but customer awareness and engagements. Marketing can help drive your business forward. We specialize in audience creation and engagement with experience in everything from Karaoke hosts and shows, to high quality glass smoking accessories and all the businesses and services in between. Our goal is to always be transparent with a client’s needs and with what we expect not only from them but from ourselves.

Now we ask, what is your biggest need from a marketing agency, or what is something you would like to be able to automate? We would like to answer your questions in our next webinar or post!

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